Tag Archives: coffee

Salt Lake Roasting Company

These pics were taken for Utah Business Magazine because Salt Lake Roasting Company won a People’s Choice Award.  It was a really, really, really fun shoot.  I could have stayed there for hours photographing all the beautiful pastries, made by their in-house pastry chef.  The owner, John, was even kind enough to let me taste some of the yummy things I photographed… OH. MY. SCRUMPTIOUS-NESS.

Salt Lake Roasting Company Cappucino

I’m not a coffee-drinker, but these drinks looked gorgeous!  The foam was so funny to photograph, though.  I’d photograph it for a bit & it would shrink smaller & smaller until we’d have to replace it with a fresh, foamy top.  It was particularly difficult to get a good shot of the tall glass, as my camera had a really difficult time focusing on the glass as it was so smooth, there wasn’t a lot to focus on.  However, it was worth the effort.  I really love that first pic with the fruit tart in the blurred background.

Salt Lake Roasting Company

I fell in love with all the beautiful textures & variances in the pastries.  There was so much detail to capture.  The star-shaped pastries were really unique & I loved capturing the pastry layers & sugar crystals.  My favorite pastry to taste, though, was the pear filled one (botton left).  Yummy pastry wrapped around half of a sweet pear.


Filed under Editorial